Chateau Cissac 2019 JS93



國家: 法國 地區 : Bordeaux, HautMédoc 等級: AOC 中級酒莊 葡萄: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc 特色: 木桶中熟成 20 個月,為水果的新鮮度增添了香草味。 酒精: 13.5% 容量: 750ml 2019 Cissac, Haut-Médoc SKU #1612058 92-93 points James Suckling Outer quote mark Very pretty, ripe fruit with blackberries, sweet tobacco and some chocolate. Medium to full body and round, ripe tannins. A slightly softer style. (JS) Inner quote mark (6/2020) 92 points Wine Enthusiast Outer quote mark Owned by the Vialard family since the 19th century, this estate has produced a firm wine. Plenty of dry tannins underlie the finely textured black fruits. Wood aging has smoothed the fruit and deepened its concentration. Drink from 2026. (RV) Inner quote mark (7/2022) 90 points Vinous Outer quote mark The 2019 Cissac has a nose of bright red berries nicely interwoven with hints of graphite and cedar, all very focused. The palate is medium-bodied, fresh and vibrant, with fine-grained tannins and gentle grip on the graphite-tinged finish. This is a very fine Cissac to enjoy over the next decade. (NM) Inner quote mark (12/2021) WHATSAPP: 9546-6522 凡購物滿Hk$600元可免費送貨 (偏遠地區及離島除外) 🛒根據香港法律,不得在業務過程中,向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類 。 Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.🛒👍



根據眾多古代遺跡的傳說,目前的西薩克城堡是一座宏偉的 18 世紀沙特勒斯城堡,建於一座羅馬別墅的廢墟上。無論如何,葡萄種植無疑是一個有數百年歷史的家族傳統。事實上,如今該地產由瑪麗·維亞拉德(Marie Vialard) 管理,她是1895 年購買該地產的雅克·蒙東(Jacques Mondon) 和路易·維亞拉德(Louis Vialard) 的直系後裔,後者在20 世紀中葉恢復了該地產的所有貴族頭銜。

Marie Vialard,經理
和 Laurent Saint Pasteur,技術總監

西薩克酒莊 (Chateau Cissac) 坐落於梅多克 (Médoc) 的中心地帶。其優越的風土毗鄰著名的聖埃斯泰夫和波亞克,佔地約一百公頃。它主要由覆蓋粘土石灰岩的砂礫石組成,呈一整片延伸,並受到西薩克村及其周圍森林的保護。秉承梅多克傳統,葡萄園主要種植其歷史悠久的葡萄品種赤霞珠。它完美地適應了西薩克風土的典型特徵,展現了其所有的力量和香氣。赤霞珠與梅洛的精緻和小維多的香料相結合,釀造出特別複雜且富有表現力的葡萄酒。

